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Perfect Woman? 진짜? 가짜?

사용자 삽입 이미지

http://www.perfect-woman.com 또는 http://www.perfect-woman.com/en/compagnie.php

RKS technology

RKS technology is based on man's 3 main senses: the sense of touch, the sense of sight and the sense of hearing. Through RKS the robot becomes highly autonomous and requires hardly any human intervention, except for training purposes.

The sense of touch: Lisa's surface is covered by thousands of micro-sensors. Each of these sensors has a special function. Some measure temperature, others register proximity and touch.
The data of each sensor alone is not very helpful, but combined all the gathered bits of information provide valuable results. By analysing the temperate and touch sensors' data Lisa can for example distinguish her proprietor from other people.

The sense of hearing: RKS technology is based on technologies for the interpretation of collected data (ICD). The hearing sense is mostly created through vocal recognition. Sound sensors are located near the ears and send the arriving signals to the on-board computer which then analyses the data. These sensors register the tonality and the amplitude. They also split the signals into syllables just like vocal recognition programmes do. Like for the sense of touch it is the combination of these pieces of information that allows for augmented use. By associating tonality, amplitude and syllable recognition Lisa is for example able to distinguish between different tones of voice (question, excitement, sorrow…)

The sense of sight: Lisa possesses 2 micro cameras that are directly connected to her internal computer. Through these 2 cameras she can register large amounts of information simultaneously and for example follow the movements of objects or recognize certain people. This works like this: first the "scene" is divided into several levels – foreground, background etc. Each level is then again segmented into zones and finally every object is detached from its background and analysed. This analysis takes place in several phases:

• Form recognition

• Colour recognition

• Gesture recognition

• Analysis and association with the database

Continuous training

Lisa's knowledge is not fixed. Her internal computer is constantly connected to a database which is in turn wirelessly connected to the internet. This enables Lisa to automatically update herself whenever she encounters an unknown situation, object or piece of news. The database can also be manually updated by her owner.

More human movements

Today robots' movements are not very smooth. That is why we specifically focussed our research on this aspect. Each of Lisa's movements is driven by a dozen of independent engines which allows for multiplying the Application Zones (AZ). By then splitting each movement into smaller movements we were able to make them richer in detail and more natural. Each engine interacts with the others through a transmission device. The individual engines can move on the 3 axes X, Y and Z. Furthermore, positioning sensors which are integrated into Lisa's joints are continually sending information to the internal computer, which in turn interprets, analyses and adapts every gesture according to the order and demanded movement.

이 로봇에 대해서 로봇개발자, 연구자들 사이에서 의견이 분분하다.
저 로봇이 실제로 개발되었다면.. 정말 대단한 일이다. 사람의 표정과 모션의 details가 너무 잘 표현되었기때문이다. 다소 로봇처럼 보이기위해 팔의 모션이 좀 딱딱하게 보여지게 만들었는지는 모르겠지만, 머리부분만 본다면 누가 로봇으로 생각하겠는가..  안드로이드에서 구현이 가장 힘들다는 표정과 혀의 움직임.. 그리고 안구와 눈꺼풀의 움직임이 전혀 로봇같지 않는데...

인터넷에서 이 로봇에 대해서 많은 진실논란이 이어지고 있다.

www.walyou.com 의 한 블로거는 제목에
"LISA the perfect woman robot : Real? or Fake?" 라는 제목으로 글을 적어놨다.
그리고, 그 밑에 달린 댓글중에 AI Robotics주소를 따라 직접 가본 사람이 그곳엔 AI Robotics라는 회사는 없었다고 한다. 그리고 다른 어떤 블로그는 이 로봇을 보고 viral marketing 이라고 했다. 실제 홍보하고 팔고자 하는것이 로봇이 아니고, 연출된 화면으로 논란을 일으켜 사람들의 궁금증을 자극함으로써 직접 알리지 않아도 사람들이 스스로 찾아서 이 로봇의 진실을 알게하는 마케팅 전략이라는 것이다. 그리고, 더욱 중요한것은 로봇은 진실은 미끼라는 것이다.

본인도 로봇을 연구하고 개발하지만, 이것이 정말 사실이라면... 아낌없는 박수를 보내주고 싶다..
하지만.. 본인이 보기엔 아닐 확률은 99%라고 생각한다.
입 주위의 근육이 저렇게 디테일하게 움직이기 힘들다... 그리고, 허리의 움직임이라든가.. 팔의 움직임이 표정에 비해 너무 로봇같이 움직인다는 것이다.. 손을 흔들때, 로봇의 손가락의 움직임이 너무 어색하다.
표정은 저렇게 디테일하면서도 상반신고 하반신의 움직임은 그러하지 못하다는 것이 어색하다는 것.

네이버 뉴스 : http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LPOD&mid=etc&oid=105&aid=0000008784

다음 사이트를 보자.

On May 26 2008, two robotics researchers for the company AI Robotics announced that they would soon commercialize the very first robot-woman on the web.
Etienne Fresse and Yoichi Yamato, both graduates of Kobe University, Japan, have pretended to create robot-women of a completely new genre by using the latest in robotics technology.

On the website www.perfect-woman.com web users can pre-order their preferred version of LISA, read the latest news and discover more information about the project. To promote the website, videos were launched and have now been viewed more than 800,000 times on video sharing platforms.

The campaign started its buzz internationally (especially in Asia). The buzz then reached France via forums, blogs and websites that relay information about robotics. Rumors of a hoax soon circulated on the web so marketing blogs became interested in the information. Technorati’s data shows that more than 170 blogs relayed the buzz.
The campaign was covered by Spanish television and by the French network LCI in the program LCI est @ vous on June 10. During the 20-day campaign, nobody was able to figure out what was hiding behind this buzz.

On June 12, during the launch event and the presentation of the robot, the two creators explained that the robot-woman does not exist, but that the perfect woman does! They decided to share their solution in goal of seducing these perfect women and revealed the campaign.

On June 13 the online shop was launched. First the web user is asked to enter his preferences so that the computer can configure the model of LISA that best suits him.

After this you are told that the story was just a hoax and that the campaign had been organized by the brand PHILIPS for its razor PHILIPS / Nivea For Men.

Finally, web users can trick their friends by entering their names and preferences in a form. These friends will then receive an invitation to check out the website and discover the "perfect woman".