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Paper Survey

4월 중순 버지니아로 가기전에, Hong교수님의 논문을 읽어보고 가려고 한다. 그냥 단순히 구경하러 가는것이 아니라, 그들이 연구하는 내용을 나름 꼼꼼(?)하게 살펴보고 싶어서이다. 만약 기회가 되어서 그들의 연구에 참여하게 된다면, 어떤 부분에서 참여가 가능한지.. 아니면, 그들에게 필요할 것같은 후속연구나 내가 그들에게 도움이 될 수 있는 부분이 어떤것인지 확인하고자 하기때문이다.. 생각보다 논문을 다운받을데가 없다. IEEE에서 받을 수 있는것이 전부다.
(혹, 이글을 보신분중에 ASME에서 논문 다운로드가 가능하신분은 도움을 줬으면 좋겠다. ASME만...)

Journal Papers

  1. Hong, D. W. and Cipra, R. J., “Optimal Contact Force Distribution for Multi-limbed Robots”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 128, No. 3, May, 2006, pp. 566-573 (PDF)
  2. Hong, D. W. and Cipra, R. J., “Visualization of the Contact Force Solution Space for Multi-limbed Robots”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 128, No. 1, January, 2006, pp. 295-302 (PDF, ? MB)
  3. Hong, D. W. and Cipra, R. J., “A Method for Representing the Configuration, and Analyzing the Motion of Complex Cable-Pulley Systems”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 125, No. 2, June, 2003, pp. 332-341 (PDF, ? MB)
  4. Morazzani, I., Hong, D. W., Lahr, D. and Ren, P., “Novel Tripedal Mobile Robot and Considerations for Gait Planning Strategies Based on Kinematics”, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Vol. 370, 2008, pp. 35-48 (PDF, ? MB)
  5. Reinholtz, C., Hong, D., Wicks, A., et. Al., “Odin: Team VictorTango’s Entry in the DARPA Urban Challenge”, Journal of Field Robotics, 2008 (submitted)
  6. Lahr, D. F. and Hong, D. W., “The Operation and Kinematic Analysis of a Novel Cam-Based Infinitely Variable Transmission”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2008 (submitted)
  7. Ren, P., Hong, D. W., and Morazzani, I., “Forward and Inverse Displacement Analysis of a Novel Three-Legged Mobile Robot Based on the Kinematics of In-Parallel Manipulators”, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2008 (submitted)
  8. Hong, D. W., Ingram, M. and Lahr, D., “Whole Skin Locomotion Inspired by Amoeboid Motility Mechanisms”, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2008 (submitted)
  9. Hong, D. W. and Cipra, R. J., “Analysis and Visualization of the Optimal Contact Force Distribution for Tethered Mobile Robots”, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2008 (in preparation)
  10. Laney, D., Ren, P., and Hong, D. W., “Development of an Actuated Spoke Wheel Robot with High Mobility”, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2008 (in preparation)
  11. Ya, W., Ren, P., and Hong, D. W., “Mobility and Geometrical Analysis of a Two Actuated Spoke Wheel Robot Modeled as a Mechanism with Variable Topology”, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2008 (in preparation)
  12. Ren, P., Ya, W., and Hong, D. W., “Three-dimensional Kinematic Analysis of a Two Actuated Spoke Wheel Robot Based on its Equivalency to a Serial Manipulator”, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2008 (in preparation)
  13. Hong, D. W., Ingram, M. and Lahr, D., “Mechanics of the Whole Skin Locomotion Mechanism Using the Concentric Solid Tube Model: How the Geometry and Friction Affect Its Efficiency and Force Transmission Characteristics”, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2008 (in preparation)

Refereed Conference Papers

  1. Muecke, M. and Hong, D. W., “The Synergistic Combination of Research, Education, and International Robot Competitions Through the Development of a Humanoid Robot”, 32nd ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New York City, NY, August 3-6, 2008 (PDF, ? MB)
  2. Muecke, M., Hong, D. W., and Lim, S., “Precision Circular Walking of Bipedal Robots”, 32nd ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New York City, NY, August 3-6, 2008 (PDF, ? MB)
  3. Ya, W., Ren, P., and Hong, D. W., “Mobility and Geometrical Analysis of a Two Actuated Spoke Wheel Robot Modeled as a Mechanism with Variable Topology”, 32nd ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New York City, NY, August 3-6, 2008 (PDF, ? MB)
  4. Ren, P., Ya, W., and Hong, D. W., “Three-dimensional Kinematic Analysis of a Two Actuated Spoke Wheel Robot Based on its Equivalency to a Serial Manipulator”, 32nd ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New York City, NY, August 3-6, 2008 (PDF, ? MB)
  5. Ren, P. and Hong, D. W., “Instantaneous Kinematics and Singularity Analysis of a Novel Three-Legged Mobile Robot with Active S-R-R-R Legs”, 32nd ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New York City, NY, August 3-6, 2008 (PDF, ? MB)
  6. Lahr, D. F. and Hong, D. W., “The Development of an Incrementally Loaded Finite Element Model of the Whole Skin Locomotion Mechanism: Discovering the Relationship Between Its Shape and Motion”, 32nd ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New York City, NY, August 3-6, 2008 (PDF, ? MB)
  7. Goldman, G. and Hong, D. W., “Considerations for Finding the Optimal Design Parameters for a Novel Pole Climbing Robot”, 32nd ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New York City, NY, August 3-6, 2008 (PDF, ? MB)
  8. Showalter, M. H. and Hong, D. W., “Workspace Analysis for the Limbs of a Hexapedal Robot for Walking Gait Generation Algorithm Development”, 32nd ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New York City, NY, August 3-6, 2008 (PDF, ? MB)
  9. Showalter, M. H., Hong, D. W., and Larimer, D., “Development of Gait Generation Algorithms for Hexapedal Robots Based on Kinematics with Considerations for Workspace”, 32nd ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New York City, NY, August 3-6, 2008 (PDF, ? MB)
  10. Goldman, G. and Hong, D. W., “Determination of Joint Angles for Fitting a Serpentine Robot to a Helical Backbone Curve”, 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, Pohang, S. Korea, November 22-24, 2007 (Best Paper Award finalist) (PDF, ? MB)
  11. Lahr, D. and Hong, D. W., “Synthesis of the Body Swing Rotator Joint Aligning Mechanism for the Abductor Joint of a Novel Tripedal Locomotion Robot”, 31st ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 4-7, 2007 (PDF, ? MB)
  12. Heaston, J. and Hong, D. W., “Design Optimization of a Novel Tripedal Locomotion Robot Through Simulation and Experiments for a Single Step Dynamic Gait”, 31st ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 4-7, 2007 (PDF, ? MB)
  13. Lahr, D. and Hong, D. W., “Contact Stress Reduction Mechanisms for the Cam-based Infinitely Variable Transmission”, 31st ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 4-7, 2007 (PDF, ? MB)
  14. Ren, P., Morazzani, I., and Hong, D. W., “Forward and Inverse Displacement Analysis of a Novel Three-Legged Mobile Robot Based on the Kinematics of In-Parallel Manipulators”, 31st ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 4-7, 2007 (PDF, ? MB)
  15. Morazzani, I., Lahr, D., Hong, D. W. and Ren, P., “Novel Tripedal Mobile Robot and Considerations for Gait Planning Strategies Based on Kinematics”, 13th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Jeju, Korea, August 21-24, 2007 (Best Paper Award) (PDF, ? MB)
  16. Showalter, M. H., Hong, D. W., Kennedy, B. A., “Work Space Analysis for Gait-Planning Algorithm Development”, US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC2007), Mechanical Engineering & Robotics Symposium, Washington DC, August 9-12, 2007 (PDF, ? MB)
  17. Morazzani, I. and Hong, D., “Investigation of Standing up Strategies for a Novel Three-Legged Walking Robot”, US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC2007), Mechanical Engineering & Robotics Symposium, Washington DC, August 9-12, 2007 (PDF, ? MB)
  18. Lahr, D. and Hong, D., “Dimensional Synthesis of a Cam-Based Infinitely Variable Transmission Using Genetic Algorithms”, US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC2007), Mechanical Engineering & Robotics Symposium, Washington DC, August 9-12, 2007 (PDF, ? MB)
  19. Kimmel, S. and Hong, D., “Preliminary Software Architecture and Motion Planning Algorithms for Traversing Obstructed Terrain with a Rimless Wheel with Individually Actuated Spokes”, US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC2007), Mechanical Engineering & Robotics Symposium, Washington DC, August 9-12, 2007 (PDF, ? MB)
  20. Ren, P. and Hong, D., “Kinematic Analysis of a Novel Three-Legged In-Parallel Manipulator With SRRR Legs”, US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC2007), Mechanical Engineering & Robotics Symposium, Washington DC, August 9-12, 2007 (PDF, ? MB)
  21. Goldman, G. and Hong, D., “Design of a Pole Climbing Robot Utilizing a Serial Chain of Actuated Universal Joints in a Helical Configuration”, US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC2007), Mechanical Engineering & Robotics Symposium, Washington DC, August 9-12, 2007 (PDF, ? MB)
  22. Muecke, K. and Hong, D., “A Reactive Approach to Behavior Based Control of a Soccer Playing Humanoid Robot”, US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC2007), Mechanical Engineering & Robotics Symposium, Washington DC, August 9-12, 2007 (PDF, ? MB)
  23. Terpenny, J., Dancey, C., Goff, R., Nelson, D., Ellis, M., and Hong, D. W., “Success Strategies for Capstone Design Courses with Large Classes, Diverse Project Types, Small to Large Student Teams, and Varied Faculty Interests and Approaches”, 2007 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 24-27, 2007 (PDF, ? MB)
  24. Worley, M. E., Ren, P., Sandu, C., and Hong, D., “The Development of an Assessment Tool for the Mobility of Lightweight Autonomous Vehicles on Coastal Terrain” Proc. SPIE Vol. 6564, 65640N, April 30, 2007 (PDF, ? MB)
  25. Hong, D. W., “Biologically Inspired Locomotion Strategies: Novel Ground Mobile Robots at RoMeLa”, 3rd International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, Seoul, S. Korea, October 15-17, 2006 (PDF, ? MB)
  26. Ingram, M. and Hong, D. W., “Mechanics of the Whole Skin Locomotion Mechanism Concentric Solid Tube Model: the Effects of Geometry and Friction on the Efficiency and Force Transmission Characteristics”, 30th ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 10-13, 2006 (PDF, ? MB)
  27. Laney, D. and Hong, D. W., “Three-Dimensional Kinematic Analysis of the Actuated Spoke Wheel Robot”, 30th ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 10-13, 2006 (PDF, ? MB)
  28. Lahr, D. F. and Hong, D. W., “The Operation and Kinematic Analysis of a Novel Cam-Based Infinitely Variable Transmission”, 30th ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 10-13, 2006 (PDF, ? MB)
  29. Hong, D. W., “Preliminary Design and Kinematic Analysis of a Mobility Platform with Two Actuated Spoke Wheels”, US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC2006), Mechanical Engineering & Robotics Symposium, Teaneck, New Jersey, August 10-13, 2006 (PDF, ? MB)
  30. Laney, D. and Hong, D. W., “Kinematic Analysis of a Novel Rimless Wheel with Independently Actuated Spokes”, 29th ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Long Beach, California, September 24-28, 2005 (2005 ASME Freudenstein / General Motors Young Investigator Award) (PDF, ? MB)
  31. Ingram, M. and Hong, D. W., “Whole Skin Locomotion Inspired by Amoeboid Motility Mechanisms”, 29th ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Long Beach, California, September 24-28, 2005 (2nd Annual Biomimicry and Engineering Best Paper Award) (PDF, ? MB)
  32. Hong, D. W., “A Biologically Inspired Whole Skin Locomotion Strategy for Mobile Robots”, US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC2005), Mechanical Engineering & Robotics Symposium, University of California, Irvine, California, August 11-13, 2005 (PDF, ? MB)
  33. Hong, D. W., “Contact Force Distribution for Robotic Hand Grasping”, US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC2004), Robotics Technology Symposium, Research Triangle Park, NC, August 12-14, 2004 (PDF, ? MB)
  34. Hong, D. W. and Cipra, R. J., “Analysis and Visualization of the Contact Force Solution Space for Multi-Limbed Mobile Robots with Three Feet Contact”, 29th ASME Design Automation Conference, Chicago, IL, September 2-6, 2003 (PDF, ? MB)
  35. Hong, D. W. and Cipra, R. J., “Choosing the Optimal Contact Force Distribution for Multi-Limbed Mobile Robots with Three Feet Contact”, 29th ASME Design Automation Conference, Chicago, IL, September 2-6, 2003 (PDF, ? MB)
  36. Hong, D. W. and Cipra, R. J., “Optimal Force Distribution for Climbing Tethered Mobile Robots in Unstructured Environments”, 27th ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Montreal, Canada, September 30-October 2, 2002 (PDF, ? MB)
  37. Hong, D. W. and Cipra, R. J., “A Method for Representing the Configuration, and Analyzing the Motion of Complex Cable-Pulley Systems”, 26th ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Baltimore, MD, September 10-14, 2000 (PDF, ? MB)
  38. Hong, D. W. and Cipra, R. J., “Touch Recognition Using a Passive Large Compliance Robotic Finger with Internal Sensors for Planar Applications”, 25th ASME Design Automation Conference, Las Vegas, NV, September 12-26, 1999 (PDF, ? MB)
  39. Morazzani, I. and Hong, D., “Analysis and Synthesis of Standing Up Methods for a Novel Tripedal Robot: Three Feet Pushup and Spiral Standing”, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Systems, Nice, France, September 22-26, 2008 (submitted)

Refereed Conference Poster / Video Proceedings

  1. Muecke, K., and Hong, D., “DARwIn’s Evolution: Development of a Humanoid Robot”, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Systems, San Diego, CA, October 29-November 2, 2007 (QuickTIme, ? MB)
  2. Heaston, J. R., Hong, D. W., Morazzani, I., Ren, P., Goldman, G., “STriDER: Self-Excited Tripedal Dynamic Experimental Robot”, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Roma, Italy, April 10-14, 2007 (QuickTIme, ? MB)
  3. Showalter, M., Ingram, M. and Hong, D. W., “Feasibility Experiments for the Biologically Inspired Whole Skin Locomotion Mechanism”, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Orlando, Florida, May 15-19, 2006 (QuickTIme, ? MB)

Other Publications

  1. Hong, D., Muecke, K., Mayo, R., Hurdus, J., and Pullins, B., “DARwIn’s Fist Soccer Tournament: America’s First Entry to the Humanoid Division of RoboCup”, Servo Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 9, September, 2007 (PDF, ? MB)
  2. Muecke, K. and Hong, D. W., “Development of a Fully Autonomous Humanoid Robot for Novel Locomotion Research and as the First US Humanoid Entry to Robocup”, NI Week, Worldwide Virtual Instrumentation Conference, Austin, Texas, August 7-9, 2007 (Most Outstanding Application of Virtual Instrumentation, Editor’s Choice Award Winner for Best Application of Virtual Instrumentation, Best Application of Virtual Instrumentation, Mechatronics Category Winner) (PDF, ? MB)
  3. Muecke, K. and Hong, D. W., “Development of an Open Humanoid Robot Platform for Research and Autonomous Soccer Playing”, 22nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 2007 (Technical Innovation Award, Judges’ Award for Mechanism Design) (PDF, ? MB)
  4. Muecke, K., Mayo, R., Hong, D. W., “DARwIn: Dynamic Anthropomorphic Robot with Intelligence, Part 3 – DARwIn 2.0: The Next Generation”, Servo Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 2, February, 2007 (PDF, ? MB)
  5. Muecke, K., Cox, P., Hong, D. W., “DARwIn: Dynamic Anthropomorphic Robot with Intelligence, Part 2 – Parts, Wires and Motors”, Servo Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 1, January, 2007 (PDF, ? MB)
  6. Muecke, K., Cox, P., Hong, D. W., “DARwIn: Dynamic Anthropomorphic Robot with Intelligence, Part 1 – Concept & General Overview”, Servo Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 12, December, 2006 (PDF, ? MB)
  7. Hong, D. W., “Whole Skin Locomotion Inspired by Amoeboid Motility Mechanisms”, WorldWide ElectroActive Polymer (WW-EAP) Newsletter, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2005, pp. 12-14 (PDF, ? MB)
  8. Das, H., Ali, K., Cipra, R. J., Hong, D. W., “Device for Automated Cutting and Transfer of Plant Shoots”, NPO-21137, NASA Tech Brief Journal, Vol. 27, No. 9, September 2003 (PDF, ? MB)

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