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Machine Learning/Memo

Biomathematics 'Bayesian Models of Brain and Behaviour'

참고 사이트 : http://www.hindawi.com/isrn/biomathematics/2012/785791/

This paper presents a review of Bayesian models of brain and behaviour. We first review the basic principles of Bayesian inference. This is followed by descriptions of sampling and variational methods for approximate inference, and forward and backward recursions in time for inference in dynamical models. The review of behavioural models covers work in visual processing, sensory integration, sensorimotor integration, and collective decision making. The review of brain models covers a range of spatial scales from synapses to neurons and population codes, but with an emphasis on models of cortical hierarchies. We describe a simple hierarchical model which provides a mathematical framework relating constructs in Bayesian inference to those in neural computation. We close by reviewing recent theoretical developments in Bayesian inference for planning and control.

사람은 Bayesian처럼 사고하고 판단한다는 말을 들은적이 있다.

가만히 생각해보면 그렇다.

사람은 매순간 받아들이는 정보를 맥락(Context)이라는 줄에 엮어서 기억하려 하기때문에..상황에 따라 다른 사고, 다른 판단을 한다..

최근에도Kenji Doya의 책이나 관련 인지심리학 논문을 찾아봐도, 최근에도 연구자들이 이것을 실험적으로 증명하고,

컴퓨터 모델로 만들어서, 시스템 개발에 직접 활용하는 application까지.... 

2012년 article이라 메모 해둠.

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