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OSGi 프레임워크

CTK Plugin Framework

The CTK Plugin Framework is the third rewrite of a C++ OSGi-like dynamic component framework, developed in theDivision of Medical and Biological Informatics at the German Cancer Research Center. The first iteration was part of a larger framework called openCherry which has been developed during 2007/2008 and focused on providing a C++ implementation of the Eclipse RCP based on a C++ component model (similar to Equinox). The project was later renamed to BlueBerry which is the foundation for the MITK Application Framework (BlueBerry itself is a generic application platform, not tied to specific use cases). The OSGi related C++ code in BlueBerry has been rewritten in 2009 and is known as the CTK Plugin Framework.

The CTK Plugin Framework is based on the Qt Core library and implements almost the complete OSGi Framework API. It makes use of the Qt plugin system, the resource system, and signal/slots to support all OSGi Framework functionalities. Additionally, it provides a couple of optional OSGi service specification implementations.

C++ OSGi-like 동적 컴포넌트 프레임워크. 원래는 openCherry라는 이름으로 2007, 2008년도에 개발되었었는데, 이후에 BlueBerry라는 이름으로 바꼈고, 2009년도에 CTK(Common Toolkit) Plugin Framework라는 이름으로 바뀜.

CTK 플러그인 프레임워크는 Qt Core 라이브러리를 기반으로 대부분의 OSGi 프레임워크 API를 구현함.

C++로 OSGi 스펙을 구현한 프레임워크.

다른 프레임워크도 있지만, 가장 OSGi 표준을 잘 따른다고 함.

참고 : http://blog.cppmicroservices.org/2012/03/29/osgi-and-c++/

Github : https://github.com/commontk/CTK/wiki/CTK-Plugin-Framework